How to maximise small spaces

Smaller homes generally cost less to build, maintain, and heat or cool than larger homes. This can make them a more affordable option, especially for people on a tight budget or those who want to save money for other things.

So, maximising small spaces can be a challenge, especially when it comes to tiny spaces in your home. However, with great design and organisation, living in a small space can be comfortable, affordable and functional. In this article, we look at a few ways in which you can make the most of yours.

Seek out multi-functional furniture

Look for furniture that serves multiple purposes, such as a sofa bed or a coffee table with hidden storage. This can unlock otherwise redundant space for you to make the most of limited space and reduce clutter.

Make use of vertical spaces 

Utilise vertical space by installing shelves, hanging storage, and using tall furniture. This can, again, help to maximise storage space and create a sense of openness within the floorspace of the room.

Get creative

Use unconventional storage solutions such as hanging baskets and built-in cabinets. This can help to maintain that your space is organised and clutter-free.

Use light colours

Light colours can make a small space feel larger and more open. Consider using light-coloured walls, furniture, ornaments and soft furniture to create a sense of spaciousness.

Natural light

Natural light can help to make a small space feel brighter and more open. Use sheer curtains or blinds to allow as much natural light as possible into the space.

Keep it simple

Avoid clutter and unnecessary decorations that can make a small space feel cramped. Keep your decor and furnishings simple and functional. Have regular clear outs to get rid of stuff you no longer need or want.

The Takeaways

So, now you can make the most of your tiny house living space and create a comfortable and functional home. Adding personal touches, such as artwork and plants, can also help make your tiny home feel like a cosy and homely space. 

Remember, living in a small space can be a rewarding experience that allows you to live a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle.

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